Drawing the Antique with Saskia Ozols at the New Orleans Museum of Art

Course Announcement Spring 2020: Drawing the Antique at the New Orleans Museum of Art

Saskia Ozols, MFA

January 17-March 6

Course registration: 
550$ includes museum admission.

Email saskia@practicepreservation.org  to reserve your place.

This onsite museum workshop builds on an existing familiarity with sketching and rendering and is ideal for igniting inspiration for artists of all levels and backgrounds.

The group will be guided through classical drawing exercises in direct observation of 7 original works at the New Orleans Museum of Art.

This 8 week session is based on the traditional method of cast drawing or drawing the antique figure. A vital part of artistic training dating back to the earliest Roman Academies, this process occupies an important step between the drawing of inanimate objects and serious study of the human figure.

Tools and techniques incorporated include looking for relative proportional ratios, anatomy, gesture, value, and distance rendering through a combination of atmospheric and linear perspective. Proportion and gesture of the human body are also introduced.

This class meets once a week at the New Orleans Museum of Art for 8 weeks on Friday morning from 10 am -12pm. This eight week session is Museum admission is included with course registration.

Drawing the Antique with Saskia Ozols at the New Orleans Museum of Art