Learn to paint the figure alla prima. What does that mean?
Alla Prima painting is a method of painting in which layers of paint are applied directly on to wet paint. It is also known as wet on wet technique; and the term “alla prima” comes from the Italian meaning “at first attempt.” Most alla prima paintings are completed in one sitting or painting session. Often times only certain passages within a larger painting incorporate the alla prima technique.
When to utilize “alla prima?” This technique is ideal for creating color studies, compositional sketches with paint, and incorporation within larger works. It can be used with the figure, still life, and landscape.
Benefits of practicing the all prima process:
-Create a a painting from start to finish in a short period of time (3-6 hours) ; incorporating the steps of imprimatura, drawing with paint, composition, wipe out with additive/subtractive methods of application, and color mixing from a simple palette of primaries and two secondary colors.
-Strengthen and practice an understanding of rendering the human figure from direct observation. Proportion, gesture, morphology, and movement will be addressed with paint.
-The process facilitates awareness, understanding, and practice of the formal elements of design all made and mixed by hand.
-Relying on hand-eye coordination and working from direct observation awakens skills of both communication and observation.
To register email saskia@practicepreservation.org
Class Fee: 450. Friday Afternoons 1-4pm