Auseklis Ozols, Icthus. Oil on Canvas. 34 x 48″ Available through the N.O.A.A. reception October 7th, 2023
Please join us for the New Orleans Art Association’s Annual Juried Exhibition. It takes place October 7th at 5 pm. The location is “The Building” 1427 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. https://www.building1427.com
There is no comparison with viewing artwork in person by directly observing and experiencing it. The computer screen has limited capacity for representing color, form, and certainly the magic of paint. Please join us !
October 7th at 5 pm. The location is “The Building” 1427 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. https://www.building1427.com
Auseklis Ozols in his Girod St. Studio, 1990’s. https://ozolscollection.org/about-auseklis-ozols/
New Orleans Art Association announcement:

New Orleans Art Association https://www.noartassoc.org more info.